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Automating Inequality: How High-Tech Tools Profile, Police, and Punish the Poor

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Automating Inequality: How High-Tech Tools Profile, Police, and Punish the Poor


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Rating: 4.1
Total Reviews: 41

Results Automating Inequality: How High-Tech Tools Profile, Police, and Punish the Poor

Automating Inequality How HighTech Tools Profile Police ~ Automating Inequality How HighTech Tools Profile Police and Punish the Poor Eubanks Virginia on FREE shipping on qualifying offers Automating Inequality How HighTech Tools Profile Police and Punish the Poor

Automating Inequality How HighTech Tools Profile Police ~ Automating Inequality How HighTech Tools Profile Police and Punish the Poor by Virginia Eubanks is a report on the use of technology in determining government assistance programs Eubanks is the cofounder of Our Knowledge Our Power OKOP a grassroots antipoverty and welfare rights organization and is Associate Professor in the

Book Review Automating Inequality How HighTech Tools ~ In  Automating Inequality How HighTech Tools Profile Police and Punish the Poor  V irginia Eubanks outlines the lifeanddeath impacts of automated decisionmaking on public services in the USA through three case studies relating to welfare provision homelessness and child protection services

Books – Virginia Eubanks ~ Automating Inequality How HighTech Tools Profile Police and Punish the Poor Available January 16 2018 Since the dawn of the digital age decisionmaking in finance employment politics health and human services has undergone revolutionary change

Automating Inequality How HighTech Tools Profile Police and Punish the Poor ~ She is the author of Automating Inequality How HighTech Tools Profile Police and Punish the Poor and Digital Dead End Fighting for Social Justice in the Information Age and coeditor with

Automating Inequality How HighTech Tools Profile Police and Punish the Poor ~ Virginia Eubanks joins us for a rousing conversation about her timely and provocative book Automating Inequality In Automating Inequality Eubanks systematically investigates the impacts of data

Automating Inequality Algorithms In Public Services ~ Eubanks is the author of a new book Automating Inequality How HighTech Tools Profile Police and Punish the Poor Young died on March 1 2009 Eubanks says The next day she won an

Automating Inequality How HighTech Tools Profile Police ~ Automating Inequality How HighTech Tools Profile Police and Punish the Poor Kindle edition by Virginia Eubanks Download it once and read it on your Kindle device PC phones or tablets Use features like bookmarks note taking and highlighting while reading Automating Inequality How HighTech Tools Profile Police and Punish the Poor

Automating Inequality How HighTech Tools Profile Police ~ Praise For Automating Inequality How HighTech Tools Profile Police and Punish the Poor … ONE OF Vox s 12 GREAT SOCIAL SCIENCE BOOKS OF THE 2010s This is a rigorous compelling piece of qualitative social science and one of the bestcrafted nonfiction books I’ve ever read period

Automating Inequality Eubanks Virginia ~ institutions from law enforcement to health care to social services increasing punish people especially people of color for being poor Automating Inequality powerfully exposes how secret hightech monitoring systems facilitate this injustice A mustread for everyone concerned about modern tools of inequality in America